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Monitoring Glucose levels: Unconventional way to stay healthier

Diabetes affects over 537 million adults worldwide. People having diabetes are more susceptible to large and often happening blood sugar level changes than others. Monitoring of blood glucose levels becomes crucial for people who are suffering from Type-1 Diabetes on hourly basis. These results can help you plan your activities and meals throughout the course of the day. Following this path, you can avoid having Hypoglycemia (glucose levels lower than the standard range) or Hyperglycemia (glucose levels higher than the standard range).

Traditional methods of monitoring involved use of lancet. This can be uncomfortable and painful for many, which can result in less frequent testing and consequently worse control of blood sugar levels. Vigorous research has been carried out by many companies to make non-invasive methods accessible to people. Here, we have certain continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices that provide this benefit of safe monitoring.

1. FreeStyle Libre: Granted FDA approval in 2017, this device enables glucose monitoring by reading glucose from interstitial fluids just underneath the skin.According to the article on Healthline, “The FreeStyle Libre works via a sensor you wear on the back of your upper arm, which you apply every 14 days. To read your glucose numbers, you wave the monitor in front of the sensor.”

2. Eversense CGM: Granted approval in 2019, this subcutaneous implant can serve the purpose of continuous monitoring. This device was developed by Senseonics, a small sensor implanted in your skin, along with a transmitter you wear on top. This is usually applied to your upper arm. Each sensor has lifespan of 90 days, as the device needs implantation its very important that you visit your doctor after every 90 days. 


3. D- Base: Created by DiaMon Tech, a German company, device works on infrared laser. Monitors glucose level by beaming an infrared laser through the finger and causing glucose in the skin to convert the light to heat. Machine then calculates heat conversion, hence measuring the glucose levels. In 2019, D-Base was approved in the EU for use by medical professionals in clinical trials and diabetes centres. 


These devices offer a great extent of comfort, but for accurate results whenever required, one should prefer traditional methods as well. Balanced use of these options can prove to very favourable to people.

At Fitness Fundas, we extend our hand to help people in the best possible way. Hence, with the same commitment, we are here with our upcoming wellness retreat which can help people to modify their lifestyle. The retreat situated on the outskirts of Hyderabad offers for 14 days program. Wholistic program designed to cleanse, balance and revitalize your mind, body and spirit. This program is not just a vacation; it's a transformative experience and a journey rooted in the ancient wisdom of Naturopathy.

If you are interested in living younger, healthier and happier for longer, kindly let us know by a simple response. Our contact information is mentioned below.

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